After joining the Desert Scarabs at only the age of three, Tomos has more than proven his worth with his theiving skills. When he and Nabile met up, they quickly became a good team, hardly forgetting to "borrow" from any shopkeeper they've encountered. Tomos' boldness does tend to make him act before thinking at times but usually Nabile's cleverness was there to balance that. However, now that Nabile lives in Qasala, Tomos operates alone.
That prince is rich, Nabile. Richer than any of us could imagine. I have a plan!
Can you imagine how much these are worth?
Argh... it's hot as always in the Lost Desert, and there are swarms of bugs everywhere. I don't suppose you could help us? I've taken out all that I can, but if you can prove yourself better than me at exterminating these pests, I'll gladly give you a prize!
Ha! You think you've got a chance to win the race? You've obviously never chased a Desert Scarab before. Get ready, because I'm going to leave you in the dust!
Oh, man. Nabile is going to kill me if that ring isn't found soon. Uh, so I did some digging, and chatted up a few thieves I know who can't keep their mouths shut, but folks aren't talking to me. They know I've gone honest, what with my Qasalan connections. I did find out that one crew used some kind of distraction, and the Sun Chasers are also involved. Not my kind of crowd, that lot. Hope that helps (really, really, I do), Tomos. P.S. If Nabile asks about me, uh, tell her I'm out of town this week.