Orion is the latest in a long line of fortune tellers, and specialises in using tarot cards. He was shunned by his family for believing in the scientific application of divination. He assisted Kari in determining the nature of Bython eggs she found. Later, he found a magical lyre which granted him haunting dreams of the future.
Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you, oh wonderful Space Faerie. I am Orion O. Ophiuchus, my family and I have been great admirers of yours for generations.
Yes, my family has been a big name in the business of stars for many years, but sadly, nowadays, it has lost most of its familiarity around Neopia. Which is one of the reasons I am here! My family has passed down to me the great power of divining! Through my tarot cards I believe I can show someone as great as you the usefulness and power of my family's legacy!
I assure you that is not my intention! I am also a man of science! You see, my family has shunned me for my scientific beliefs, but I believe that my cards can be a device in which we can be pointed in the right direction and then let science lead us the rest of the way! I strongly feel that as long as one does not reject the facts of science then there is no harm in looking towards other devices to help you! Isn't that how most scientific discoveries are made? By pushing the known limits!
Indeed! I do not even need to handle the objects, so there is little risk involved. Please just give me and my cards a day or so, and I believe I can help!
Indeed, I do! According to my findings, that Magon fellow's hypothesis was not a hundred percent accurate. I don't believe these objects to be related to the Giant Space Fungus as I get no warnings of mass change upon its awakening. But I do feel it is indeed alive.
I'm unsure, to be honest, but it certainly looks like that may be the case.
You're right! I wouldn't feel comfortable giving any sort of definitive answer at this point. But I feel that I am close! I think we can safely find out more if I had help! The Festival-goer who has been here from the start seems highly invested in unlocking the truth behind these eggs. I bet if we were to give up right now, they would continue the search without us! It's that determination that I feel can give me the edge in foreseeing these mysterious objects' futures. If they play with the cards, I could collect their determined energy and use that power to get a better understanding of what steps we should take to further our knowledge on the matter!
All they will have to do is play with the cards. I have a simple game in mind that should last long enough for me to gather the energy I need.
I'm sorry to interrupt, but with the extra energy I accumulated from the festival-seeker, I was able to do a much more in-depth reading, and I do believe I may have an answer you will both like!
Kari, I think it will please you to hear that these objects are ready to reveal themselves! However, I've sensed that the conditions to make this happen must first be met! To meet these conditions though, we must trust in the power of science to lead us the rest of the way! This is where you come in Mira!
My powers have brought me as far as we can go without the help of science! What conditions can you think of that these objects might need that they wouldn't find in the depths of space where you found them?
I don't have the answers. But the cards tell me you do! I was able to determine a possible direction for us to go, but you, and science, will lead us to the real answers!
I should be getting back to Neovia to spread the word, but it was a pleasure to meet both of you! I hope I have the good fortune of crossing paths with you two again someday.
Reina, please we must stop the Advent Calendar!
I know we don't know each other well, but this is important! Something terrible is about to happen!
There isn't any time, we need to prepare as soon as possible. I... I don't know how I am seeing these things but it can't be good!
I'm sorry. A... a few days ago, I was consulting my cards as I walked when... a tender and resonant plucking came to me, and moments later I tripped over this Lyre in the snow! Since then I have had terrible visions. Visions that I fear will soon impact all of Neopia greatly!
Please Reina, you must promise me you'll stop the Advent Calendar. Now is not the time for fun and games, something horrible is coming to Neopia, something we must prepare for.
Reina, what are you doing? You promised me you'd stop the Advent Calendar!
I... I tried, but the sound of the Lyre torments me every night, never allowing me a moment of silence... wait that isn't the point! This all needs to stop right away, you promised!
They aren't just nightmares!! They are premonitions! We all need to prepare! Please just listen to me!
Fine, you want proof. I'll get you proof!
I have found you a way to show you my visions! The Lyre... it... if...
These may be the final days of the Advent Calendar, but I need to show Neopia the visions that keep tormenting me. I don't know why they are coming to me, but I know they are important... somehow.
Please Reina, this is the only thing I can think to do.
The Lyre! I discovered that when I play it, those who hear it share in my visions. Before, they came to me choppy and distorted... but with this, I can see the visions clear as day. And I can share them with you all as well! Please just listen!
I told you I'm not crazy!
Queen Fyora! But how did you...
Unknown magic?
Yes, well, I suppose I have been better...
Hello, Kari. May I bother you for a moment?
Mira asked me if I could stop by. She said she would do it herself, but you already told her "Under no circumstances should she busy herself with the festival when the world needs her right now." And when she went to protest, you said if she even tried to stop by you'd "make her regret it". Which she refused to elaborate on.
Right. Of course. My apologies.
No need to apologise. I fully understand. It is to that point that I have come here. I would like to accompany you and aid in another year's festivities. If you will have me that is.
Yes! I admit I was in rough shape there for a time, but the intense dreams and visions subsided soon after. I was plagued for a bit once again during the month of Awakening, but neither I nor Queen Fyora could make sense of those visions. And ever since then not even the playing of the Lyre has brought forth a revelation.
Now my studies for answers is what keeps me up most nights, but no need to worry about that. Let's get back to the matter at hand. I heard you were struggling to hide the neggs and provide adequate riddles for them? I shall happily take up those tasks for you, and all you need to worry about is seeing the smiling faces of those who find them! Sound good?
Just say today's riddle. I already have it written out for you!
Kari...I, I had another dream last night...a strong one.
Yes...I'm sorry. I shouldn't be bringing this up during the festival.
It was strange, it was the first one I've had that has so clearly been about some place in Neopia.
I suppose I can't be certain, but the dream was dark besides that of the glow of molten lava. That has to be Moltara, right?
I don't know. I guess I can travel there tonight after I hide tomorrow's neggs.
No, that's okay. You stay focused on the festival! I'll be back before you know it.
Hi, Kari. I've got news on my mission.
Yes, but I couldn't find anything.
It hasn't done much since the intense visions of the Advent Calendar, and Queen Fyora has advised me to refrain from playing the Lyre whenever possible. But...yes, I did. However, I had barely started when there was a big quake in the city. After that, I was bombarded by multiple visions!
Yes, luckily the shaking didn't last long and wasn't too intense, but now I can't seem to see the original vision from my dream. These new visions are far too weak for me to make much out, and they are all so scrambled together that I can't make any sense of them. However, the small parts I can see seem as though they are flashes of places all around Neopia!
I'm not sure. Even if I wasn't helping with the festival, I don't think I could possibly travel all across Neopia in hopes of answers. I can already feel the drain from the visions starting to affect me.
No, I gave my word to the great Space Faerie that I would help. Besides, I would not abandon my friend in her time of need!
Hush now! Not another word on the matter. Besides, the festival may be just what I need for these circumstances. I can't manage this search on my own, but perhaps your festival-goers can help out! I can keep an eye out as I hide the neggs, but if they could also look around as they search for them, then we would cover a lot of ground fairly quickly!
Of course! All that is needed is for them to keep an eye out for anything odd around Neopia and to report back to me if they happen to see anything. The festival can still go on like normal, and I can preserve energy. As well as look into why the visions are back and what they could mean! The visions are too jumbled for me to pinpoint a starting place, so please don't overwork yourself. Even if you can only report back one strange occurences a day that would be enough to help me out!
Let me know if you see anything strange out there today.
I don't know what just happened, but my visions are a bit more clear! It seems like there are now only [number] places around Neopia flashing before my eyes. Come visit me so we can discuss the next steps!
So you saw something strange around the same time my visions got slightly clearer? But you didn't get a good look at it? Okay, well, that is something to work off of! Keep an eye out for more; maybe we can figure out how it's all connected!
Hmm, so the strange thing is some sort of creature but it disappeared before you could get too close? Well, I suppose it's only a theory at this point but this seems connected. Maybe try and figure out if there is any sort of connection between the places it shows up.
Okay, this strange creature you keep seeing has to be connected to my visions. It seems like each time you chase it away my visions dwindle. It's almost as if the creature is being chased away for good. But why would it go there in the first place?
Kari, if I may ask. How are you doing? I know there isn't much known about...what is happening, but I thought you may want to talk about it anyway.
What do you mean?
I...I don't know. The things I've seen...they didn't really show anything useful.
I don't even know why or how they happened. Or why they are back now...I'm not sure I can take much more of this.
Alright, if you can smile even through all this. Then I suppose I can keep pushing on as well.
It seems like this creature appears in warm places, often at places that have food as well. That doesn't narrow it down too much, but it is certainly something! Keep up the good work!
The visions of places around Neopia are too hectic for me to really take in, no matter the number. Yet, one place is getting clearer and clearer as we progress. Perhaps, once we eliminate all the other locations, I'll be able to make sense of it all.
What you said to me the other day, about believing in my abilities back during last year's festivities. It got me got me thinking. Ever since I found the Lyre I have consulted my cards many a time, but never garnered much information from them when it came to anything pertaining to the Lyre or my visions. But during last year's festival, I was able to gather more power through the help of a festival-goer.
No, sadly I think even with the help of many festival-goers, we would not be able to crack the secrets behind the Lyre with just my cards alone. But the premise behind the help I received is what struck an idea in my head. The strongest visions I've had happened during the Advent Calendar, one of the biggest events of the year. Tons of Neopians gather together to celebrate it. No visions I've had yet have matched the ones during that event, but I did encounter another bout of dreams and visions during the month of Awakening. They weren't nearly as strong, but they lasted for some time. And what was happening that entire month?
Exactly! Another large gathering of Neopians! Just like I needed to gather power from another to make my card readings stronger, I think the Lyre must need the power of all of us gathered together to power it enough to send these messages!
I know...it's just a theory. My other is that since it's a musical instrument, maybe the Lyre likes having a crowd to put on a show for. However, that one mainly seems silly.
Yeah...if it ends so might my visions, and we won't know why I am receiving them once more. In that case, we all need to get back out there! I can feel that we are close to answers!
I can't help but think that this creature is lost or something...maybe once we figure out what is going on we can help it. For now, though, we are almost there, I can feel it!
These visions have taken a lot out of me, but I get the sense that this is all for something important. Please keep searching a little bit longer!
I haven't felt them fading, but I suppose if my theory is correct they wouldn't be yet. But please festival-goers, if you haven't yet, go search around Neopia for anything strange and report back to me as soon as you do!
Great job! Things are still very confusing, but it's all becoming clearer! Come visit me so we can discuss the next steps!
Thank you for all your hard work! It seems like my visions followed the creature wherever it went, I wonder how it travelled so fast. But I suppose it must be done moving now, as most of the visions have stopped. I know we may be short on time, but I need a little while alone to hone in on what is left! Please come back soon, and I'll have more information, I promise!
Now that the visions have calmed down, the original one of lava returned. And this time, much stronger. I was able to play the Lyre to intensify it for myself and saw what looked like a crevasse next to a very tall building. This is the last time I'll ask this of you I promise, but could you please take a look around anywhere that may fit this description and report back to me if you find anything?
Come back tomorrow and I'll have more information for you. I promise!
This creature seems fairly large for your average petpet, and who knows how old she must be if she was trapped below the surface until now... With how you described the crevasse it seems like the construction of the Obsidion Co. building made the cave she lived in no longer structurally sound. Breaking it open and allowing lava within once again. I'm no petpet expert but she seems to thrive off lava, perhaps that is how she travelled around. Going all over in search of food? Whatever the case is, I am unsure why my visions would have led us to her...
It...it sort of looks like a musical cylinder. Like the kind music boxes use to play songs, but it's a rather odd shape.
Yes, and made of lava. I have no clue what sort of music box could play this. But as soon as I touched it it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I think this must be what the visions were leading me to.
I don't know...I suppose we are left with more questions. For now!
I can feel as though there is more to this mystery, but thanks to you we found something that could lead us to the answers! Perhaps the next big gathering will help us unlock even more of this quandary...such as the Altador Cup? I'll be sure to check in, and I hope to see you there!
Hello there... sorry I'm not very good at talking to crowds... b-but Sigmir and Sweet have graciously allowed me on today as I have big news. F-for those who don't know me, I am Orion O. Ophiuchus, and I have recently been, let's say gifted, with terrible visions that s-seem to be at their strongest when many Neopians gather together. If I w-wasn't able to make your acquaintance during the Festival of Neggs then this must seem very strange to you, but nevertheless, I am h-here to ask for your assistance once again. M-my visions are still not very strong, but this time I can at least see pieces of them, however, they appear very distorted now. So... as a possible solution I...I thought perhaps the fans of the Altador Cup could help me with this predicament! I will share my visions here as they come to me and, hopefully, some of you may be able to recognise something from them! I'll be doing my best to search too, so if you find any place that seems to match my visions, just wait for me there and I'll make my way over to you soon!
This is most definitely the location from my first vision!
Thank you for leading me here! I looked around and found this strange stone with writing on it, embedded near the top of the tree this store is built into! It must have been placed there so long ago that the tree grew around it! How old do you think it must be then?
It seems to be part of something bigger though... perhaps my other visions will lead us to the missing pieces? For now, keep cheering on your team at the Colosseum, and keep an eye out for me in the news there! Oh and here is a reward for helping me find this!
H-hello again! I am back to share another of my distorted visions! For those of you watching from home, p-please if you recognise anything I would greatly appreciate your help! And for those who may have missed my earlier announcement, feel free to go back and catch up on what you missed at any time! Th-thank you all for your help! *off screen* Did... did that sound okay? Did I come off announcery enough?
This is most definitely the location from my second vision! Thank you for leading me here! Once I arrived I was immediately drawn to the Deserted Tomb, but didn't even need to enter as I found this strange stone as one of the many used to build it. Hidden in plain sight I suppose...but based on the erosion of it being the same as the others from the tomb, this must have been here from the beginning. Who even knows how long ago that must have been...who could have placed it there?
W-welcome back! I am here once more to ask you all... S-sorry, I was trying to remain chipper and fun as Sigmir and Sweet recommended, but I am simply too drained from the visions. I don't want to scare off any potential help. So, I am doing my best to remain optimistic but I must admit this one seems very difficult compared to the rest! O-on happier news, though. There has been some real headway from my last two visions! I don't want to cause any preconceived notions to get in the way, so I won't share too many details. However, if you want to help with those please feel free to go check out my last two announcements to see if you can glean anything from them as well!
This is most definitely the location from my third vision! Thank you for leading me here! It took some work, but I found this strange stone deep inside the ice of the chasm next to this shop. I...I'm not sure how it got there. Due to the distance in the ice, it must have been there when this cave formed. Which must have been long before... well, I don't even know! Probably before recorded history!
Hello, I am back to show another distorted vision. It may be the visions getting to me, but I think we are close to the end! Or perhaps, I am getting close to all I can take... I do have to admit, the crowd has become less daunting the more I appear. However, I'm starting to feel very strange. Almost as if my very being is affected by the mere amount of individuals with a shared affinity all converging in one place together... It feels... almost harmonious. *Ahem* Apologies, back to what's important. If you come across anything that may match this vision, please be sure to call me over to check it out! And as always, if you wish to assist with any of my past visions you can go back to my past announcements to help out!
This is most definitely the location from my fourth vision! Thank you for leading me here! There is tons of rubble here... If it wasn't for me being drawn to it I would never have thought to pick up this particular stone. I had to dig through the debris, but I somehow knew this was what I was meant to find here. My main questions now are how long must this have been here, and why was it here to begin with?
I've put all the pieces together and they created this stone tablet with, and I couldn't believe my eyes, sheet music on it! These pieces were scattered across the globe in some of the most ancient parts of Neopia and somehow had modern-day, Neopian music on them! I couldn't even begin to speculate how this is possible or who or what could have put them there... For now, all that I could do was play the music. When I did, it caused the wind to pick up and swirl around. The velocity of the current caused leaves and other debris to become projectiles that tore and slashed at me. It was as if all of the air was being pulled into one concentrated mass before me to form something. I kept playing even as the air from my own lungs was slowly drawn out of me. With my final breath, I was able to complete the melody, but before I could witness what materialised in front of me I passed out. When I awoke the stone tablet with the sheet music had shattered once again, but beside it lay another musical cylinder. It is made of air, yet I can hold it as if it is a solid material! I no longer sense any visions and I'm not drawn to stones like I was before. This must be all that was meant for me here. But I can feel we are one step closer to something big! For now, I will study all that we have learned, but I hope to be able to meet up with you again at the next big event!
I have not had any new visions for some time now. I suppose I have been given all that was supposed to be. However, my plea for help is not over! If you have not already, please go back and check my last announcements in order to help find the locations of my other visions! I fear that once all those who have gathered for these battles of sport disperse, my visions will become fruitless--and any hope of discovering their meaning shall rot away... So uh, sorry I-I mean please help if you can. Time is of the essence! For those who have helped all that they can already, I thank thee and I should have already given my gratitude to you in person! If this is the case then please feel no pressure to help more. Yet, if possible, please urge any friends amongst the crowd to help out as well!
Hel-hello cunning Dark Faerie Jhudora. I-I have come at the request of Queen Fyora to see how the festivities are coming along.
We-well we both thought it pertinent t-to-
Wi-with the Queen so busy I thought perhaps I could be of assistance during these difficult times... I'll be travelling between you and Illusen from time to time, but I will mainly be held up in Faerieland doing some research with Seshatia in her library. If you need anything from me please don't hesitate to swing by.
There has to be something here about this Lyre. I can't believe we've gone through so many books, scrolls, and tomes and yet there is nothing even slightly in reference into what could be happening to me...
I don't know about tha-
O-oh, Miss Jhudora it's a pleasure to see you-
Miss Illusen! Is everything okay with the festivities?
Sorry, Miss Seshatia. I will handle this. You both have come with questions? How may I be of assistance?
*sigh* I told the Queen that we should have just explained my theory to you from the start. I'm sure you two have heard about my visions, but if not, for the past few major gatherings in Neopia I have been given visions that seem to be leading me to something... They tell me of horrible things, but they also seem to want to help possibly. To be honest there are still times when I question if everything is even real... Either way, these visions seem to only appear when large crowds gather, or at least that is my current hypothesis on the matter. When I told Queen Fyora of this she insisted I be part of the Faerie Festival to see if any new visions occur. I had the same thought myself but didn't think to act on it without her say so.
No of course not! She truly believes it important to hold the Faerie Festival. She had planned it even before I came to her. And I believe she put you in charge because you are two of the most powerful faeries she has, and she trusts that if anything were to happen you would be able to handle it!
She was worried about garnering false hope. If I don't have any visions...or even worse, if any visions I have are bad, then there might be nothing you can do. And...there's another potential issue... One that I may not have apprised the Queen on fully. You see, during the Altador Cup, my visions, while not strong, affected me in a way I have never experienced before. It was almost as if I was no longer fully myself... If it happens again, I am worried I won't be able to stop it. Which is why I will mainly reside here. Sequestered away to research what may be causing this. Only checking in from time to time.
Unless any visions occur, I promise to leave you be!
Yes, Seshatia is here if anything happens. For now, please return to your festivals. I will come by with any news if need be.
Hahaha, yes! Can't you see, I am finally me!
Well, you look great! Oh, what a wonderful sight. A vision for the ages, your smile is quite contagious!
Ah, you are right! I haven't come just to ask you out for a bite! This raggedy man is needed for my plan!
Ah, is that so? Do you think you can handle me toe to toe?
Ha! What a spark, you must think me such a lark! Alright gorgeous, I quite like your chorus. But compared to me you would be thornless! For don't you see, your sudden melody was done by me!
Fine, fine. It's not like I can stay long, I just came for a song. Ah, and now there is no time for revision as I must give this man a vision!
Yes...yes it's me...I don't know what just happened.
I'm so sorry! Are you alright, did it hurt you in any way?
Nothing in particular. I had just come upon this book labelled Jhudora and Illusen - The Untold Story and then my vision got all blurry...after that, it was like I was nowhere but conscious, wait, no I was with them... I was watching Jhudora and Illusen fighting.
No, not each other. They were fighting alongside one another. They were fighting those things, the shades that have been appearing...
What happened between them?
Then I'll have to go ask them myself.
I think it should be okay. I feel incredibly drained from whatever it did before, and I think it must be too. I don't see it coming back to the strength it had before for some time...hopefully. Plus, I have to believe it is not here to hurt me. Why else would it be giving me these visions and trying to help?
I will. Be back soon!
Miss Jhu-
Of course, my apologies Mis-...Jhudora.
I've come because I've had a vision...and well I need a favour from you.
No, well, I don't think so at least... No, what I need is...for you and Illusen to...work together again! To fight the shades attacking the lands!
No, I promise it isn't like that! I think whatever is going on with me is trying to show me that we need you two! Neopia needs you both working together like you used to!
Please...I don't know what else to do...you need to--
There's no time to bicker, how about I speed this along quicker?
Agh! It's not me. I...I can't stop it!
I need your powers to unite, so your inner song must come to light!
No! I'm sorry... I thought I might be able to control this after last time... Please go to the library, I'll meet you there!
I'm sorry Seshatia! I couldn't move quickly while fighting this thing back. You were right! I couldn't control it. I was able to stop it for a time, but not before both Illusen and Jhudora were affected!
No! We don't know the reach of its power! If it was able to get its hands on the Queen, who knows what could happen.
It's not me. Whatever is in this Lyre is...I don't know, working through me? Possessing me?
No, please! Don't fire!
Stop, stop! I have already tried destroying it! Back when I first found it...it was too much. I did everything you could think of to get rid of it. I even threw it in a volcano, but it just kept reappearing wherever I went. I think the only solution is to give it what it wants. You two need to work together!
ENOUGH!!!! You try and try and all they do is cry and cry! Darlings, this isn't a debate. If I must, I will drag you to your fate!
...I feel okay. I'm actually worried it's too late and whatever it is might be gone-
I'm baaaaaack! Oh my sweet scholar, what a fascinating trick! You may have lulled me to sleep for a tick, but fighting off your advances - ah of that I will never be sick!
Oh, poison flower! Doth my eyes deceive me? Are you and the fair, green lady finally able to agree?!
Oh no, no, no. That simply won't do! For this to work, there must be two!
Showtime! Oooh lady evil, how do you thread that needle? You like to cause upheaval, but I can tell you still like people! And then there's lady gleeful, why don't you get off of that steeple? There might just be some weevils -- in you after all!
Can't you see, won't you see? This is not for me!
There's nothing you can do! Besides, I'm doing this for you -- and you, and you, and you!
With my words, I make me rubber and you glue, whatever you do bounces off me and sticks to you!
Now, let's get down to business. You both know what you must do! I need the song of two! -- If your songs combine, you'll no longer have to deal with me or mine! If you want to stop this threat, you will have to give me your duet!
Come now. Who's first?
Wait, what?
Yes! You've finally worked together!
*cough* *cough* What happened? *cough*
How is everyone else?
I...I think so, I don't feel anything coming from the lyr-- hey wait it's cracked!! How did that happen?
Wait, does that mean what I think it means? You two worked together?!
But...why was that so important?
It's another musical cylinder! This means my hypothesis is correct...I think.
With little purple flowers!
I suppose, nothing... To be safe I'll stay here for the remainder of the festival and write a letter to the Queen about all that has happened. As for you two, I think it would be best for you to finish out your respective festivities for now.